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I spent 5 amazing weeks with VIN. I received a very warm welcome from all of VIN’s staff. I started with a tour of a few famous sites in Kathmandu, a little overview of Nepali Language and Nepali culture with Kabita. That was very useful and interesting. After that I started my work in the little community of Jitpur. There I lived in a home stay  with very generous people. Each family member gave me a lot of attention and I had very good time with the children.


I was only there for 2 weeks, this is a short period of the time. I decided to have an overview of differents programs. I have been in different schools, kindergardens and orphanages to help collect information about children for the sponsorship section of VINs web site. I also visited some women groups in agriculture farms and worked with them in the field for few days… I really appreciate it. Sharing life with all of those people is really the best way to understand them and understand their needs.


Ensuite j’ai été très chanceuse, j’ai eu la chance de faire le trek du camp de base de l’Everest. VIN s’est occupé de toute l’organistion, ça été génial ! J’ai partagé ce trek avec Erica, une autre volontaire de VIN que j’ai rencontré ici, ce fut véritablement une expérience mémorable.


Si vous avez envie de vivre une expérience hors du commun et de rencontrer des gens exceptionnels, je vous conseille de joindre l’équipe de VIN, vous aurez du plaisir tout en aidant à votre manière une communauté si accueillante.


Marie-Eve Roussy


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