Sponsor a Child Donate Now

Hey all!

So thanks for visiting my VIN blog. As most of you know I will be joining a Buddhist Monastery in June for a few weeks and will be teaching them English in exchange for an amazing culturally rich and spiritual experience. I will be doing as much as I can to contribute and give back to a people that will honestly be teaching me more useful skills for life than I could ever impart on them. The organisation I am working with does so much more than the volunteer projects I am undertaking. They work with orphanages, setup construction of homes and basic toilet facilities, mobile clinics and run empowering women and youth programs to name just a few. I urge you to take a look around to get a better understanding of what this organisation does for so many people in Nepal. Given I would like to help this organisation as much as I can any small donation can help someone’ s life out there in Nepal.


Even if you just skip your next meal at Maccas and pop $5 on here instead it would be very appreciated. The money goes towards the programs I mentioned here and on VIN’s website. I urge you to contribute if you can. I have to admit I will probably gain more than I give during my time in Nepal and hope to come out on the other side with more clarity and perspective of life and a focused and kinder heart. Conveniently you pay via paypal so give it a go!



Much Love, Tahnee


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